FD8012W Produce Safety Rule Web Course

This on-line course will provide participants the necessary background information and knowledge of the provisions and requirements for produce to support inspections covered by the Produce Safety Rule.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to describe relevant requirements of the Produce Safety Rule that apply to produce farms.


During this course, participants will gain background information and knowledge of the Produce Safety Rule to support produce inspections. Topics will include background information, requirements under the Produce Safety Rule, preventive controls, routes of contamination, and record keeping requirements.

Participants will be able to describe the provisions and requirements for produce covered by the Produce Safety Rule.

Terminal Learning Objective: 01

Participants will be able to identify requirements for personnel in accordance with the Produce Safety Rule

Terminal Learning Objective: 02

Participants will be able to identify the requirements for the use of biological soil amendments of animal origin/control of human waste in accordance with the Produce Safety Rule

Terminal Learning Objective: 03

Participants will be able to identify the requirements to mitigate contamination from the intrusion of domesticated or wild animals on produce farms in accordance with the Produce Safety Rule

Terminal Learning Objective: 04

Participants will be able to identify the requirements concerning the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce as required by the Produce Safety Rule

Terminal Learning Objective: 05

Participants will be able to identify the requirements concerning sanitation of produce equipment/tools/buildings as required by the Produce Safety Rule

Target Audience:

Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial regulatory agency food protection professionals who promote and assess compliance with U.S. laws and regulations related to farms that grow, harvest, pack, and hold produce intended for human consumption, and who may initiate regulatory action to gain compliance.

(a) The target audience consists of people in the following positions:
  • Inspector/Investigator/regulator

(b) The target audience consists of individuals with the following responsibilities:
  • Inspecting produce farms

Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial (FSLTT) regulatory agency food protection professionals who promote and assess compliance with U.S. laws and regulations related to farms that grow, harvest, pack, and hold produce intended for human consumption will be required to complete these prerequisite web courses for their official record at FDA’s Office of Training, Education and Development (OTED) learning management system. To access OTED’s learning management system, log in here.

Note: FoodSHIELD does not provide an official record of completion for FSLTT regulators.